Black Queer Town Hall –
The Most Office

You better VOTE.

It was the 2020 election. The stakes? High. The process? Confusing.

When a very important election occurred in the middle of a pandemic, false and misleading information about the mail-in voting process seemed to be everywhere – especially in swing states like Pennsylvania. In a year where every vote mattered more than ever, Black Queer Town Hall's founders Bob the Drag Queen and Miss Peppermint wanted to use their platform to encourage black queer voters to use their voices.

To make sure prospective voters in P.A. got the information straight, we created The Most Office — a campaign centered around doing The Most to help voters cast their ballots by mail.

With an original song, a music video, and social content we took a cheeky approach to education around voter suppression, the importance of participating, and all ways to vote during quarantine. And we explicitly called out the 5 Pennsylvania counties who swung the 2016 election – 3 out of the 5 went blue.

Made completely pro bono.
Agency: Virtue Worldwide
Director: Jake Wilson
Song by: Mitch Ferrino
Executive Creative Director: Genie Gurnani
Co-Creative Directors: Katie Cascio, Alicia Bee


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